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Any new books you'd like to recommend to help someone find their next great read!👇

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Have you ever met a Tiger named Lee? 🐯

When Lee and his mum are thrown from their tree on a stormy night, timid little Lee must face his fears and venture into the dark jungle.

But what he finds isn't scary at all!

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Portia the Pear is a book all about loving the skin you're in and understanding that your time in the sun will come 🍐

A book with a beautiful message and even more beautiful illustrations.

Find out more:

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During kids will dig getting to know what the biggest machines do & how they work with THE BOOK OF DIGGERS & DOZERS and THE BOOK OF FLYING MACHINES by Neil Clark from

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We're half way through and we've got a gorgeous new edition to keep you going. Featuring the beautiful silhouette illustrations by Arthur Rackham, available now!

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