Also, Reagan Ridley preggo belly… because why not.
Check out the fanbox to see this early!

29 392

my breagan version of @/thesabertoothwalrus 's post on tumblr

21 120

She’s not drinking it guys she’s just holding the cup because it makes her look sexy 🐋

46 181

Of course a had to do the Brett and Reagan version

684 4443

Sadly, I've had to cancel both my Inside Job Reagan plush and Gravity Falls Dipper plush :c There wasn't enough interest to make them, I won't be trying for Reagan again but maybe in the future I'll try Dipper >-< Sorry to those who wanted them, but thank you for your support ♡

4 30

Children's book

'I laughed a lot, especially when the flying instructor farted in front of everyone!'
'I loved the pictures, the reindeer were so cute and Cupid was a pretty girl reindeer. '
TYVM Reagan, Addie and Amy at novelgossip1

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Personajes canon:
➡️ Reagan (#insidejob): es un claro ejemplo de cómo es vivir con padres narcisistas y abusivos y sus efectos en su vida, pero que con el apoyo necesario podrá salir adelante (aunque se batalle). Brett ha sido de gran ayuda para sobrellevar sus problemas.

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Reagan from "Inside Job." Had a lot of fun with this one haha

6 25

hoje estou: reagan toblerone

amanhã? não sei

3 32

Mi dinámica de ship favorita

2575 19346

EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! Reddy kilowatt & Mordecai & Elisa VS Ronald Reagan BEGIN!

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drawing this makes me want to eat some cookies too

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