The first season of "Gargoyles" concluded this month in 1995 (on Feb. 3, specifically) with the excellent episode "Reawakening." Demona and Zanatos use science and magic to resurrect the gargoyle Coldstone, and unleash him on Goliath and the Manhattan Clan!

57 315

I don't think I ever posted this outside my circle? Angsty preawakening kotasaku doodle

12 31

saori obsession reawakening

296 930

This past year was my artist reawakening!! I've grown so much with regards to style and confidence in my art, and it's been a blast streaming it for you earlier in the year.

Thank you all for being so supportive. 2023 is gonna ROCK! Let's keep growing, oomfies 💙

9 26

Crowned Nobility ~ Saintly Reawakening (Comm for !)

57 158

Shin Buso Is a Very Very bad man. Kazen hates him A LOT.

Shin Buso is the result of Buso Reawakening his majin Brother who had once been sealed away within him after a tragic event. Now all Shin Buso wants is to absorb all Majins and Beings to achieve strength like no other

0 8

After nearly a century, something triggers Akana’s reawakening..

Genre: Action 👊
Creator: Kemnpachy

Read Amaanian on 0xMANGA now!

3 4

thank you to thasmin for reawakening the artist in me 💛

132 461

thank you to thasmin for reawakening the artist in me 💛

2 16

also my lockscreen bc it brings me such genuine joy to see it (said in the way that youre aware of the fact that this is a special interest reawakening)

0 2

The new assembly hall at the was officially opened as Connaught Hall on 14 July 1883 by Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught. A grand banquet was held in honour of the Duke and Duchess who also opened Dover's first public park, Connaught Park, on the same day

2 15

Today I continued my work on a piece I submitted to SuperRare, I believe it is the best piece I've ever done. It is about reawakening..."The Awakening"

22 77

Live footage of reawakening every other Tuesday to reclaim their throne atop the bwoking dead leaderboards

5 28

This is reawakening something in me

0 6

I got nominated by @/AWP_Art in an Art Challenge to post my Artwork for 10 days and nominate another artist to do the same. 🎨

Day 7: The Reawakening

I nominate:

1 16

i guess this counts as my reawakening post

19 226


36 147

Why VOTOMS is special is not that its "gritty" or dark. Its because it can be tender. About the reawakening passion in a soul drowning, learning that warmth can be felt from more than just gunsmoke, but people.

About embracing each other in the bitter cold, to feel our warmth.

8 17