i got tagged here 👀 check out some of my recentworks

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Hi & the wonderful peeps! I’ve been off radar for months due to two close family bereavements ☹️ I’ve missed you all! I’m back in the arena, armoured up & ready to go! Pass the paint, pass the wine & let’s do this! 🙌🏼🤩🤣

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When's the last time I posted art? Don't remember. But have some recent art that I've done while I've been away from Twitter.
I should be back now, but posting will be inconsistent until the media calms the feck down

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MBS/TBS系の深夜アニメの新枠「スーパーアニメイズム 」のロゴデザインを担当しました。

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‘The Island’ Sean Taylor, 25x35mm, oil on board.

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George Young, Coat, oil on paper, 69 x 70 cm, now hanging in the show, Women and Men, which opens on Saturday

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The Fall

Oil and chalk on canvas 48” x 60” 2015

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