November 18, 1936: Aleister Crowley began cutting some wax 78rpm records of himself reciting invocations and poetry.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Stan Ridgway "Mr. Trouble" is here on Bandcamp. ".. typically reflecting the malaise of post-millennial America, particularly on songs The Drowning Man, and Gone Deep Underground."

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Recording the first episode was a striking success! I'm proud of and Zachary Claud. For this being their first project, everyone did great! All that's left is to stitch this thing together! Stay tuned 📻

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Happy Birthday
I wish you an beautiful day, and a lot of success in everything! Your work in audio editing is excellent!

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An imaginary record cover I cobbled together for a background set.

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兎に角、インテリアがとってもクール♬ センス抜群のスタジオの雰囲気。これぞLAクオリティって感じ👍

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yesterday @ the G'AG Productions for NC Interactive!

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