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a second chance au, working on redesigns already for cyn and doll but otherwise notes should be the same. still working on a different name for right now but wanted to put them all together

180 1591


see all the redesigns here 🫶🩵

67 1017

(40/40) Stinkarms
My first fusion alien, I went mecha musume on this one, with a design language inspired by gacha games like Alchemy Stars. I also gave a few winks and nods to my old Fourarms and Stinkfly redesigns.

45 758

Ben 10 redesigns- OS redraw part 5, finale!
Ghostfreak and Upgrade, two cyclops weirdos.
Also both very hard to redesign!

229 2057

Ben 10 redesigns- OS redraw, part 4
Stinkfly and Ripjaws.
Stinkfly is one of my favourites for how weird he is, so I wanted to keep and amplify that a bit.

342 2887

Ben 10 redesigns- OS redraw, part 3
Fourarms and Greymatter.
Went with a more armoured look for fourarms this time round.

417 4200

Ben 10 redesigns- OS redraw, part 2
Diamondhead and XLR8
Technically, Diamondhead is a redraw of a redraw of a redraw.

237 2368

Ben 10 redesigns- OS redraw, part 1
Heatblast and Wildmutt.
Wanted to make Heatblast a bit weirder-shaped.

434 3873

Ben 10 alien redesigns- alien force, part 3
Rath, Nanomech and Lodestar.

438 4409

Ben 10 redesigns- Alien Force finale, part 5!
Alien X.
Aimed to make him weirder and a little more 'cosmic'.

318 2613

Ben 10 redesigns- Alien Force part 4
Goop, Spidermonkey and Brainstorm. Aimed for a slug-like goop and gave Brainstorm some lobster antennae.

276 2153

Ben 10 redesigns- Alien Force part 3
Jetray and Chromastone

455 4043

Nightmare critters redesigns based on those garbage monster toys from the 2010s

200 1175

Ben 10 redesigns- Alien Force part 2
Echo Echo and Big Chill
all of Big Chill's wings are attached to his head and neck.

368 2676

sharing this wip of the nightmare critters redesigns im doing

3 28

Ben 10 redesigns- Alien Force part 1
Swampfire and Humungosaur

374 3142

Ben 10 redesigns- Anur part 2

Benwolf and Whampire. Wanted to make em a bit weirder.

155 1399

Some new stickers and redesigns of the previous last batch, which I took the photos and never uploaded.

1 16

Realised I completely forgot these guys before
Ben 10 redesigns- Anur part 1
Frankenstrike and Snareoh!

174 1629