I saw some really pretty sapphic art on the nobody/artist/club tag by an artist with the “LesBi” pride flag as their pfp - the one made by @/rredpeach (aka redkatherinee) the terf that drew her persona boiling trans people alive.

Please don’t support people using this twibbon.

2384 4193

хочу посвятить эту серию артов фандомным пейрингам, которые мне очень нравятся!
каждый арт сделан в гамме одного из цветов флага лесбиянок от redkatherinee.
(lis ниже)

82 614

There's a certain terf artists out there who like to make "radical feminist" art about why trans women aren't women.
So I hope she'll enjoy this fanart of the 2 women she used to make her horrible "rad fem" art😊

31 142

there’s a different post about redkatherinee going around but it doesn’t actually show the seriously disturbing art she’s done of her character literally murdering trans people. so yeah, consider not engaging with this person, “transphobe” is an understatement.

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