my friend just reminded me of this lol would people like a reissue of this? i can add other breeds and dogs into the mix

0 57

it's a really cool dynamic and im excited to see how this will develop in the game, esp when ashito comes in. also interesting how shiba, who's been pivotal to kuribayashi's (and ashito's) growth, has also noticed otomo. def building more "thinking reeds" here 🔥

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11 27

It's not only this concept but almost all concepts have the same issue, even in game. The environment is not correctly recreated to the appropriate time of history. So please, respect the japanese history before complaining other things

11 39


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個人的にはこういう神社仏閣をフリー素材みたいに使うのって結構やばいと思うんよね 特に醍醐寺みたいに世界遺産に指定されているものは (あと奥に鳥居おいてコラボするのとかもね)

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28 63

でおれがうまれたってわけ batjokes
(Daddy kisses and breeds)

32 185

“Reeds” WIP: where I ended up versus where I started. From last night’s painting session.

26 84

3 more eggs have hatched! And I have added 2 new mature dragon breeds to my awesome collection ❤️

6 12

A matching pair of portraits for these family pets, Otis and Misha. Misha is the first staffy I've been lucky enough to draw and I need to do more, they are one of my top breeds!

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Introducing the Witch and Purist from THE KEEPERS OF ARIS. These fantastic breeds are two of many within the magical world of Aris Magica. Preorder your copy of THE KEEPERS OF ARIS TODAY!
PS: Our Fan Art contest is still open at!

1 3

working on a zine of pigeon breeds, here's some friends so far 🐦

516 2015

Spring has come!🌸🌸🌸
(and something is missing🥪)

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