
791 5851

reimari 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

thank you so much for 100 followers! its been a month since we made this account, and it makes us so happy that all of you enjoy those two as much as we do! - 🎀

66 264

タイトル「SUM UP REIMARI!」作者「JILL様」①霊夢&魔理沙のイラストまとめ本。霊夢&魔理沙の色んな可愛さの種類が豊富で見てて素敵すぎる 個人的に32,33ページの悠久さを感じる霊夢と22,23のカッコいい魔理沙が特に推し②マフラ巻いてるレイマリに付いてる鈴がとても可愛い 大切にします

2 22

『SUM UP REIMARI!』B5/58P/\1500



263 1884

Heya so there's this artist that went under the handle @/R1NC0_ they made really cute reimari stuff, they deleted their account late January as far as I can tell. If any of you know of any other accounts this person had or just like any of their art saved I'll love you forever

30 213

Was disappointed in the lack of reimari gifs, so it took it upon myself to make one real

125 434

バレンタイン(多分バレンタイン?) レイマリ
Valentine(maybe valentine?) Reimari

97 323

Artist: JOKER.T.C (Pixiv)

Source: Reimu Hakurei x Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)

5 50