1000 $cro to be given away once 1000th mint is hit (must mint and activate your lion)

Drop in comments what other prizes you'd like to see later in the mint??

1 4

Will we ever be seen, we share the $usdc

Drop your thoughts ..or mint one at and see for yourself

3 9

🌟 I love the passive income plays 🌟

is a passive income play everyone is missing right now.

is a builder and isn’t in this for the money but for something beyond that. Don’t miss out on his creations.

11 13

1000 $CRO promotion goes to someone soon, all you need to do is mint a at and then activate it. Mint numbers 572-1000 will be considered for the giveaway. $btc $eth

5 5

410 mints left until hitting 1000 mint mark and the 1000 $cro up for grabs.. Im $lion

3 4