We show how the drug inhibits replication: Remdesivir stalls the viral polymerase by posing a translocation barrier, retaining the RNA 3'-end in the substrate-binding site, and hindering RNA proofreading. Preprint: https://t.co/q7Fgblhm3m

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Europa und USA streiten um Remdesivir“

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„Merkel ruft zu Zusammenarbeit für Corona-Impfstoff auf:
Milliardenspenden für einen Corona-Impfstoff“

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Remdesivir Has Therapeutic Potential against SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, Scientists Say

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Remdesivir, Sofosbuvir
NS5B RdRp with Sofosbuvir (4WTG.PDB)
SARS RdRp homology model (1SXF.PDB)

RdRp 同士、フォールディングは近いが活性部位には個性がある。

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