BURN 🔥🔥🔥

(This joke belong to Brandon Roger XD)

44 197

“you should hold me close, you never know when we’re dying.”

Valentine’s Day project I’ve been working on for the past week or so.

8 25

Why choose? Just have them all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Now how's THIS for a fanart !!

9 84

I love this image so much. I’m rolling around. (i don’t remeber seeing it in the show. too lazy to check)

13 107

Renew inside job or give it to a company that will give it the life it deserves

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Seriously tho, what exactly does Brett do in the company??? Counselor? Ambassador?

52 272

The next day they have a snowball fight, im making my own canon now!

7 27

"I searched a thousand lifetimes for the one that would make you happiest. And you'll find it one day."

"Just without me. You're free now."

I can recite this whole part...I must hate myself. 😢

1 8

Ok apparently there is an episode of The Twilight Zone where Alpha-Beta gaslights Ron into crashing a plane

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"I will miss you, Ron, and I know if it were possible, you'd miss me,too."

6 52

Brett is such a babygirl это канон
в моей голове Рейган может в шутку предлагать ему всякую чепуху, а он и согласится

16 75

Day 24 today is dedicated to hair down brett cus he is something else

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