Illa Café development notes 43: with the help of a programmer, we tried to make blinking sprites from layeredimages on It is very interesting how such a small detail brings so much difference.

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Today I have learned how to use layered images in Now I can easily experiment with her expressions, hehe.

I've also changed Myx's color scheme a little bit so she's not just a green crayon💚

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Designing this boy for my visual novel "KittyKat with an attitude", The script is finished already and I'm getting better at understanding RenPy!!! I'm excited!!!!

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Both these nerds are done and ready to go in renpy! (Barring different emotions/poses I haven't decided on yet.) Now I just have to finish the dialogue to my liking and I can cry making it all actually work.

GIFs kill the quality of the sprites, but it is what it is!

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Are you a developer??

We can port your game to consoles! Some of the engines we support are or
Feel free to send us a direct message about it :D!

If it’s we’re still working on it >.<!

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Blog post on making seamless save loading in renpy! Thumbnail by Discord member Vikachu

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Tutorial time! Paperdolling/dynamic sprite expressions in

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Loaded our first char work in progress into RenPy! Exciting!

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