Things aren't always spicy on my Patreon but when they are, it's spicy. Summer time means Summer things so if you're interested check out my Patreon!

4 9

Monica Raybrandt as a RWBY character~
For jgresidenevil

7 92

Yang Xiao Long, Fire vs Ice!
For jgresidenevil

123 610

Akira Kurusu ~

MTF commission for jgresidenevil

7 28

Please take your mind off of the interactive anxiety attack that is with these cute RE monsters I’ve made

15 35

Disponibile la demo per RESIDEN EVIL 2 remake dello storico gioco horror. Si tratta di una "demo one shot" cioè giocabile una sola volta e per soli 30 minuti. L'uscita ufficiale per tutte le piattaforme, è il 25 Gennaio.

1 2

Do it again after several years... XD (Also posted on Facebook and Pixiv)

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