If you took part in 'Clap for the NHS', but don't support NHS workers getting a decent pay rise, then... seriously...
Go. F_ck. Yourself!

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for failing to disclose PPE contracts to Parliament.

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2 weeks too late. You threw the population under the bus. Your herd immunity was a criminal cull for the UK population.

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To be fair, not everyone is upset by the way Boris Johnson has (mis)managed stuff.
Some are positively grateful!

4 15

To be fair, nobody could've predicted that having a few extra ventilators around would be handy 🤔

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A week ago Boris Johnson used CoronaVirus as an excuse to give £30B in handouts to the Wealthy/ multi-nationals.

Today Bozo will be announcing more handouts to them.

This money should be going to help working people affected by

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