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Yuuka + sensei retouching

1120 9351

setor art! lama yang sender retouch he he anw muets?

0 18

happy anniversary to this piece!! i can't believe it's been a year already omg 🥺 my style's changed so much since then so i thought to retouch it to celebrate ₊˚⊹
happy holidays everybun!!!

2 30

snowy bun in pink ♡ retouched

256 2294

Retouched Artwork Incoming... 🧟‍♀️❤️

96 1170

Retouched my Pomu Bday art and i'm a lot more satisfied with this one~

92 774

It's not a Daz morph 😁 It's a retouch with AI, i took the face of old Ana and mix it with pharah, so it's take Ana nose and cheeks.
And since it's her mother, the result looks like a mature version of Pharah

1 6

i originally drew this back in march but decided to retouch it now, it's been 7 months and i feel like i've improved so much since then!! me happy...
( ∩´ ᐜ `∩)♡

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402 3716


retouching art lamaku hehe, siapa yg masih optimis beliau akan bangkit kembali?🥹☝🏻

art by sender

43 256

02.23–10.23 retouch art!
there's definitely improvement, but currently it feels Iike lacking character… ( ´_ゝ`)✒️

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