
Amazing Moments (44)

Chrono Trigger

Feeling a bit nostalgic today, so why not include a from the 90s. The whole game felt and fells so special, full of mystery and creativity. The first time jump was mindblowing for lil me 🫣

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Hello everyone and welcome to yet another obsession of mine

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Telas de carregamento de Bruxólico: desenho a mão, escaneado e colrido no pc, pixel art de ZX Spectrum:

Bruxólico Loading Screens: hand draw, scan colorized on PC, pixel art for ZX Spectrum:

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G'd morning ppl. Turning into the afternoon here. Here's a piece of Tia Langray I made on a rush here. Breakers Revenge where she fights Sanzo.

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Drawings I did today of ToeJam & Earl. Planning on using these for a bigger project.

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I had a go at remaking that cover quite a while back and really should get around to hanging it up on the wall! 👍😍🖍️🎨

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One of the most underrated but good game.
The lastblade. Who's here fan of Last Blade?

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A día de hoy todavía me encuentro de tanto en tanto a alguien, que no conoce el desarrollado por de Willow. Al descubrirselo much quedan fascinad por la genialidad de este juego! Una de las mejores adaptaciones de cine a un videojuego!

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Buenos días, seguro que reconocéis a este cabroncete de cierto juego con un biónico y azulado protagonista.

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A new metroidvania Repugnant Bounty is available for Game Boy Color on https://t.co/BG9YL1tLEY, and soon elsewhere. Can you terminate all 28 threats on the artificial planet Irulia? A demo is also available.

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I see is quite rightly trending, so seems a good time to mention that I've made some Speccy games you can download *right now* :D

Some are free. Some are paid. Some are fun!

Give 'em a go why don't you! :)


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La Waifu del marionetas.

pd. Ando hypeado por este personaje.

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