For "The Rescue" is a crossover I wrote as part of an AO3 gift exchange, blending Firefly and the Sequel Trilogy. It's an AU with Jedi Ben; Rey knowing Palpatine is her grandfather from childhood; and of course, Reylo angst + HEA.

Full story:

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Reylo Ao3 fanfic hits 27K on Sat., now keeps the creativity going!
Share the & short fic that makes you laugh, cry, happy cry or ugly laugh/cry.
THANK YOU to everyone for sharing the Reylo love on the TL yesterday.
( art)

3 13

If it's a that means it's Day.
Start the week off right w/Reylo/#Rey/#BenSolo microfic, & mark your calendars for next Sat., 10/23, Day!

(Adorable chibi art)

5 11

Question for the Family. Sunday has Wed. has - any other reylo tag events for the other 5 days of the week?
Looking for more amazing creatives and fans of & our Dyad!
THIS Sat. 10/23 - We are

( art)

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asdjfjsd so busy this week sprucing up an existing work, but managed to get a for the final chapter of breaker of chains!

Kylo's thought process got cut off tho 👀👀👀❓

🎨: by the wonderful ❤️

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chapter 1 of my still untitled 1860s island fic is coming this week! Based on a prompt by and beta-ed lovingly by

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tomorrow: CH 1 of my contribution for the 50 shades of Rey collection

hello? (It's me)

moodie by the beautiful

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They will find each other in EVERY UNIVERSE,in EVERY WORLD. No matter if it’s in modern world,or in Coruscant,or in The Enchanted Forest or in Panem.Their love will guide them
“The universe over me” art by

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I Got It - Coming 9/23 - NSFW

I'm d wording to release this fic for Smutember. One of the hottest smut I've written. 🥵🥵

Art by
Betaed by

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I Got It - Coming Sept 23 - NSFW

It's my Smutember fic and I am kind of obsessed with it now that I finally started to write it.

Prompt: Clothes Stay On
Art by

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Ok, here we go.... second Sunday

(Don’t hate me I know it’s angsty 🥺 this text moment may lead or may not to this picture moment)

Snippet or chapter 4 “Falling (again) For You?”

Falling Again For You

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