Day 6: Willow is one of Rune’s adventure buddies. Rune is going to find out that ghosts make terrible traveling partners. You know, when she’s carrying everything.

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“YOU’RE FIRED!” -Mitch (Also, but not in this case, Vince McMahon)
Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Looks like time is up for Colton.

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Turns out that jacket Colton found isn’t in the store inventory...

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“So I’ve got time.” -Colton Emerson
Fun fact: I drew myself and my niece into that mall scene. Feels like I drew this in another life, now that I have a daughter of my own.

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“Believe that you are all in good hands.” -The President
A wordy, but very important scene to the grand scheme of The Jacket.

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“ some compassion...”
Clearly, Penny Roux is not necessarily the one anyone should be asking for compassion.

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Goodbye, beautiful. I mean, I haven’t played Forsaken yet, so I hope this isn’t goodbye, Cayde-6.

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With a newborn 👶🏻 in one hand, and an iPad in the other, dad is getting some work done in between diapers and feedings. This page sums up my face when I saw my first 💩- filled diaper. Now I don’t bat an eyelash. •

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Watercolor and gouache painting commission. • 22/100 •

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Finished, not perfect. This weekend's mantra. •

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It's all coming together. A commission drawing I'm working through. •

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