Something for

204 1684

Just in case I don't have time to draw anything new, have an older pic of Dougy

Happy rhinovember lol

91 513

Then, as sold by the auction, they spent the week working as Titans for their new temporary employers.
Everyone was satisfied 😈

5 35

When Oakland's Pride Parade and Festival came, Frontsek and Julius (or rather, their Titan personas) were invited to offer a show.
Of course, they accepted.😉
But on the day, two surprise but not unwelcome guests appear.
And all four get COMPETITIVE😈

12 38

After a few days, Frontsek, Julius and Simon returned to Oakland.
Once arrived, the two adults offered themselves another growy makeout session.
It got WAY out of control this time...😈

7 24

After a few days, Frontsek, Julius and Simon returned to Oakland.
Once arrived, the two adults offered themselves another growy makeout session.
It got WAY out of control this time...😈

21 71

A few days later, Frontsek and Julius decided to offer themselves a growing makeout session.
It got a bit out of control...

2 12

A few days later, Frontsek and Julius decided to offer themselves a growing makeout session.
It got a bit out of control...

4 18

A few days later, Frontsek and Julius decided to offer themselves a growing makeout session.
It got a bit out of control...

13 49

But the tension was still there, and it could only end one way: a growth-off.
It led to the two giants growing bigger than ever, and completely ended the tension.
The two new friends/rivals made a date for a beer this night. 2/3

8 36

The first stop was Minneapolis.
Here, our duo found out that the giant mole also had a Hulk-sized superhero persona: Big Claw.
Frontsek wasn't amused and went to give a piece of his mind to the copycat.
But a forced teamup to foil bank robbers eased the tension. 1/3

4 20

Once they recovered from the shock (and the raven left long ago), Frontsek and Julius decided to check if this second watch was the real deal.
In the best way they knew...😈
(Note: the buildings are abandoned and promised to destruction)

18 76

When Julius came back while Frontsek was at work (he was given spare keys), he noticed that the rhino forgot his growth watch for once.
And succumbed the temptation of trying it😈1/2

8 26

When Julius came back while Frontsek was at work (he was given spare keys), he noticed that the rhino forgot his growth watch for once.
And succumbed the temptation of trying it😈1/2

8 42

The following weeks, as his "Titan of Oakland" giant promoted protector persona, Frontsek helped rebuilding the bridge, denying the Scythe Runners the pleasure of having scarred the Oaklanders.
The organization, still strong, swore revenge on these new enemies. 2/2

14 64

A few days later, the Scythe Runners, a criminal organization, blew up the Bay Bridge to steal a huge bank convoy.
All they got was their first defeat ever, at the hands of Shift.
On this day, Shift went from just an alternate persona for fun to a true superhero. 1/2

32 185

The following days, Frontsek kept experimenting with the mysterious watch, and have more and more of a blast with it😈
Don't worry, the buildings he destroyed were all emptied and promised to destruction😉

11 31

You could toss in while you're at it! Let me get you started!

10 59

chat suggestion turned into rhinovember / dinovember combo LMAOO flint and basalt go toe-to-toe in a prehistoric brawl 💥

25 94