сука уже крик души
я просто хочу себе соигрока на роль Катагавы в катаризе(
я что так много сука прошу

3 13

tfw a giant deadly alien becomes very fond of you,,,

16 80

New hamster (2/2)

For Hamgawa, it’s love at first sight. However, Rhys hamster seems to be intimidated! What can Hamgawa do to show Rhys hamster that he’s safe with him?

5 37

New hamster (1/2)

Hamgawa is surprised to see a new hamster in his cage! The beginning of many hamster adventures begins

14 58

lov he just wants a bro to do space coke on his party yacht with.

61 177

no really what was it that he said, i cant remember [blacklist: dubcon]

17 66