Ironically, virtually all the feedback I have received for has either been extremely positive or extremely negative, with very little in between.

It was a story that fiercely and relentlessly divided its readership.

Rian would be proud.

33 227

Once upon a time a boat maker named Rian was tasked to build a mighty boat. Rian had made boats before but this boat was being commissioned by one of the largest boat corporations in the world.

It was going to be the biggest & grandest boat he’d ever made.

574 1345

Nearly finished my brand new short story It will be uploaded in its entirety tomorrow, as I think this one needs to be read in one sitting.

It is a cautionary tale of incompetence and arrogance for the modern age.

Look out for it tomorrow!

13 68

Coming soon...

A cautionary tale of incompetence and arrogance for the modern age.

14 83