some of my favorite stuff. my art ig is @/rigormortises 🦟

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We have NEW tubes from Sybile Art & Cuddly Rigor Mortis released today with matching kits and FREE BONUS TUBES!

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We have NEW tubes from Cuddly Rigor Mortis & Colourbelle released today with matching kits and FREE BONUS TUBES:

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⚰️ Interesado principalmente en la ilustración macabra, la escultura fantástica y la (re)interpretación literaria de textos ficticios. 🖤💀💚
Entra a, descubre su terrorífico trabajo en la morgue 💚💀🖤

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*I LOVE these damn hopping Here are some great suggestions for the last day of 🧛
aka Vampire Hunters! ⚰
Dir. Juno Mak
*A tribute to the Mr. Vampire film series! Hong Kong  🖤

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Mandamos a Boni a comprar se demora mucho en salir. 💚💀🖤 Solo espero que no vuelva a traer un cadáver de niño como la última vez...👻
Consigan su bolsa oficial de la Morgue en 💚💀🪓🖤

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it seems a certain raven stole another villains f a v o r it e hat.....but what a way to make an entrance!~

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