/don't repost/

Very late merry christmas and happy new year to !!❤️
I am your pinch hitter for event and I drew you a little Rinzu date. They are trying to decide what to order at their favourite fastfood place.+

9 16

// abuse , toxic relationship , vent art
/don't repost/don't quote/

3 12

/don't repost/don't qrt/

Oh, would you be so kind
As to fall in love with me?
You see, I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me🌸

13 44

/don't repost/don't quote/

Just a little doodle of Sanzu being a little dick to their boyfriend.
Rindou still loves them no matter what.

35 107