art! kalian ad gk yang hasil export image warnanya beda (kurang saturated) sama gambar pas di app? benerinnya gmn ya?

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karyaku! boleh minta saran ga gmn biar mata kirinya lebih bagus? 😭 aku ngerasa aneh apalagi pas di-zoon out, tp bingung benerinnya gmn 🥲

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様 skebありがとうございました🩷🩵

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Ini gmn yaa benerinnya 😭😭 sender berusaha nyari referensi ver chibi gk nemu artist!

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Commission for @.iyarinny

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tehe! cw // gxg, erinnyes x egeria

dan meski egeria erinnyes gak bisa ketemu lagi tapi janji mereka abadi, setidaknya mereka berdua sama sama jadi pohon 💔

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mereka untuk bertemu kembali, erinnyes juga pemegang asli dari swordnya furina

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I have had this doodle pile in my unsent tweets for literal months because I could not come up with a funnie caption for it
kind of a krinny krinLsa if you ask me

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Drew a grinny N, with an alt.

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babu! kalian ada gak yg pernah pas ngerjain quest, tiba2 layarnya nge-blank item cuman ada suara musik doang? Kira2 cara ngebenerinnya gmn ya?? sender main di hp android btw

*pict ganteng biar di notice

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Those artists could draw -- REALLY draw, in the most excruciating detail. I would not have wanted to be a public figure at that time. They certainly got on Prinny's case over his weight, and did not spare his wife.

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Ni contoh yang takde muka. Ni aku buat 5 tahun lepas, masa tu lukis pakai jari kat telefon yang skrinnya retak seribu. Aku suruh client bayar pakai topup celcom sebab aku takde account bank online hahahaha

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hi my name is krinny and my goal is to out-pizza the hut

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hello i'm krinny and my goal is to out-pizza the hut

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I couldn't resist! That grinny face, uuuh!💙
Art sponsored by

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thinking of a new 3d project, used the sprites from the Prinny games as ref cuz I feel they look the best. Debating on if this should be low poly or high poly

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Tea time! With my very dear friend rinny!

🎨 by @/Kuzuyukuro !!

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We're off on a picnic in the Netherworld with our new servant/friend Gordon, Defender of Earth!
Come hang out, sign up for the Netherworld prinny squad dood!
Link in the comments

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