Just redrew my favourite frame from new Berserk chapter. Seing Guts totally mentally breakdowned again it was really heartbroken.

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Minha singela homenagem ao mestre Miura. Berserk sempre foi uma das minhas principais referencias para estudo, foram madrugadas e mais madrugas estudando o traço e o perfeccionismo em cada quadro do mangá. Descanse em paz.

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I said a lot more on my Instagram but all I have to say here is thank you so much Kentaro Miura 🖤

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Remember w.i.p that I made on the 15th yesterday? the reference is MIURA HARUMA's facials. from a long time ago often made ikemen guy copy the expression from him..so hearing the news that he died..it felt really sad .. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

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