CW: suggestive jokes

RisoProMelo content. I also hc that Prosciutto can’t drive manual.

34 138

CW: Partial nudity

Risotto, Prosciutto, and Melone cuddling in the early morning. Some RisoProMelo for today.

29 124

CW: bit of blood

RisoProMelo thing while I get used to Procreate. Something went badly for Melone but Risotto and Prosciutto came to the rescue.

25 88

Also original post was ship neutral but here’s a RisoProMelo version of it. Risotto and Melone waking up after a night of Prosciutto getting wild with the lipstick choices.

12 42

ProMelo again. Implied RisoProMelo. All three get too focused on work and won’t admit to it but they will try to get the others out of it. Melone is probably the worst with it. Prosciutto trying to get him out of it before it gets bad.

26 85

OT3 RisoProMelo time. Melone got lost in the sauce. Risotto has growing concern. Prosciutto figures Melone is hardy enough.

21 70

Back at it with the OT3 doodles. Prosciutto Melone and Risotto time. Mostly an unfocused Melone. Also text blurb explaining each.

19 82

Risotto finds the downside of his big boobs when he’s lying awake in the morning and both his bf (Prosciutto and Melone) are sleeping on him. OT3 time again
and I’m gonna stick with that name

26 84

because it's on my mind it's time to bring back trashy risopromelo demons+priest au (riz is Pretending to be a bishop. he's not one)

26 64