"Tears fill those startlingly green eyes as our conversation turns to the parents he can barely remember.
'I have NOT got tears in my eyes!' said Harry loudly."
— JKR (GF18)

by HogwartsHorror


0 3

"No, Rita's using magic to eavesdrop, she must be ... if I could just find out what it is ... ooh, if it's illegal, I'll have her..."
— JKR (GF28)

by Edgar Torné

1 4

"'I want to know how she's listening into private conversations when she's supposed to be banned from the grounds!' said Hermione angrily"
— JKR (GF28)

by Makani


0 7

На очереди одна из самых харизматичных и интересных второстепенных персонажей Вселенной “Гарри Поттер”!)))

0 2