“Nights ’re full with unwelcome visitors.”

3 8

May be I should start learn it already.
( I think I look weird (╥﹏╥) )

6 32


Then your father said you have a dirty blood... so as your mother did.

6 50

Know that kinda person which write something in language he don't know 'cause think it's cool?
Well, hello.

Jackie's parents
Father: You think he look at you like at peace of sh*t? He do.
Mother: IS NOT IN HELL!!! This drawing is "WHAT IF..."

2 10

Sorry not sorry (One "Sorry" for tea - it doesn't count!)

Joking with Richard it's the next level.

3 66

After death and time Jackie (NEVER CALL HIM LIKE ... but as # is okay) and became a... erm, "fRiEnDs"?

They're like "Joker VS Batman" but second is another Joker. Tries to kill each other but won't 'cause it's boring and they both not so stupid or weak.

4 28