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@ShaniceTJN Rizeth (he/him) loves pthalo green. He's a shy sweetheart who is easily spooked, and has survived decades of slavery and abuse. Having run away and becoming an adventurer, he's made many friends since. First Dnd character back when I was 16, half a lifetime ago.
@warickaart Gabriel: Phantom Rogue
Jaldzaer: Drakewarden Ranger
Louis: Beast Barbarian
Rizeth: Hunter Ranger
@rhinosnax Damien is in his mid 40s. Bloodhunter/werewolf
Louis is in his early 30s. Tanarruk, beast barbarian
Luca is in his late 40s. Dragon Age city elf, necromancer/blood mage
And Rizeth is in his mid 300s. Drow, Hunter/Ranger
@jimmyjimsjim My current favorite would be my boy Gabriel, however, my top favorite is Rizeth. My first dnd character from 16 years ago. (which explains the wild style differences in these pics.)
@Adxmaniia Gabriel is gay, Dhampir, has a necrotic touch after death (pre facial scars), submissive noble.
Louis is a pc turned deity, crocodilian Tiefling, bi and a switch.
Jaldzaer, Drow, pan and more sub than dom.
Rizeth is gay, Drow, completely submissive.
Sizes will be posted next.
#DnDcharacter is trending.
Jaldzaer: Drakewarden ranger (One of my current PCs.)
Louis: Beast barbarian
Rizeth: Hunter ranger
Damien: Lycanthropy blood hunter
@SpunketPunk Ah yes, so all of my ocs.
Jaldzaer, Drakewarden ranger
Rizeth, Hunter ranger
Damien, Blood Hunter (Lycanthropy)
Louis, Beast barbarian
Tomen una ficha muy bien trabajada profesional
-Mangorou lider de Irizeth
Esta bonito 😇🙏
Reciclando dibujos, es un chibi
Abajo les pongo otro dibujo de el
@triple_moonbow Rizeth is a kind, and a bit shy man, though his want to help others easily gets over the shyness. A former slave, and now skilled ranger, he works to better lives by adventuring or just lending a hand. (rope burns on wrists/ankles, most scars are optional except those, back, lip)
@actualsailboat Have some options
Istmyr - Drow, divine soul sorcerer
Celebor - High elf, necromancy wizard
Rizeth - Half elf/drow, hunter ranger
Nawa - Tiefling, great old one warlock
@violent_delite Jaldzaer (drakewarden/ranger) as The Chariot
Rizeth (hunter/ranger) as The Hermit
Nawa (great old one/warlock) as The Fool
Istmyr (divine soul/sorcerer) as The King of Swords
@angryraccoonart Here's to many more followers to come!
I think my boy Rizeth would look amazing in your style!
@lynelmilk Some of my favorite Dnd boys!
Rizeth, a ranger
Nawa, a warlock
Celebor, a wizard
Istmyr, a sorcerer
@LeyloriaMG I'm always here for putting Rizeth in pretty stuff. Congrats on 1k!
@triple_moonbow Rizeth is shy and sweet, but more confident once in a spicier situation. He's softer spoken, peaceful, yet strong when needed. Hunter, Ranger
Nawa however, is a flirt. Seemingly confident and outgoing, but actually a coward in most combat situations. Great old One, Warlock
@PalitaniaArt I think my boy Rizeth would look fantastic in your style!
@lewdghoulie Some of my favorite boys:
Rizeth, a shy half drow ranger
Nawa, an outgoing but unconfident tiefling warlock
Istmyr, an egotistical drow sorcerer
Celebor, a blind and kind high elf wizard
@rayeafterdark Rizeth is sweet, shy, and quiet. Preferring his time out in the woods or taking care of the animals. Yet the few times he does come into town, he enjoys visiting his friends and old party mates from their adventures. Wrists and ankles show rub/rope burn scars.
@satina_ Rizeth, a sweet Drow ranger
Celebor, an intellectual High elf wizard
Istmyr, a scheming Drow sorcerer