instagram 211206 | abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz

jungkook: 🥰
(+picture of jk at so-fi stadium, tagging himself)

rkive: ooh~ i should post [pictures from the stadium] too (written cutely)

404 2960

instagram 211206 | jin

seokjin: chamchi! (tuna)
(+photos of jin drawing the super tuna shirt)

rkive: hyung, should i let you know every time i press 'like??'
rkive: oh jin i’m pressing the heart button now
jin: (more interested on if) you’ll do a feature on super tuna

852 4702

We're getting very few of this...

New to Pre-order, Gary Numan's 5th album, co-produced by Bill Nelson, Warriors.

On limited orange vinyl via Beggars Arkive:

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