Redesign Requests 117-120
supermanganerd, Utte, Doxi, Speed_Fiend

45 324

ermangarde hgnghngh lessing... let me marry ur sister please please please please please pl

203 760

Want to know who won many of our Lithia events? Good news, we have done it! Check out the links below for the winners of many of our Lithia themed Community Events

1st Path:
2nd Path:

2 20

Got a high score on the Fishing game? Let us know what you got! But make sure you participate to get these Fresh(?) accessories!

9 34

Elsword, Rena, Ara, and Add may have gotten a lot of changes, but so did many others! Here’s 4 big changes you might have missed from the update!

3 23

A fun new minigame has been added for April Fools! Don’t miss this Once In a Life Time OpporTUNAty to enjoy today’s benefits and rewards!

1 25

Finally, it’s Add who got quite a few skill renewals and even some Quality-Of-Life changes as well to his gameplay! Now Supersonic can really feel Super and Sonic!

See the full list of changes @

2 42

From changes to your awakening to defense shred and even cleansing debuffs, this Martial Artist Fox got some pretty big changes to her gameplay!

See the full list of changes @

2 34

A lot of changes came in for Rena, including a full passive change for Anemos! For all you archery fans, we’re sure you’ll love them!

3 41

The balance patch is here, but what did Elsword get? Here’s some of the biggest changes for Elsword! The character specifically!

3 38

Some say Bluhen is a bit difficult, but knowing what he does can be easier with this support card!

28 71

With Avarice's Support Card released prior, we got requests for more. So let's go with another support who got some changes in recent balance updates, Dius Aer!

5 31

Agree, or disagree?

Oh no, did we open up a can of worms with this one?

12 77

Rest, meditate, and relax before the Punching begins! Here's the maintenance time for tonight, and the patch notes as well!

1 16

Avarice has a lot of stuff in her kit that moving your mouse over it all can be daunting. Here's a support card to quickly explain everything in 1 simple image!

5 58

We're sure everyone wants to play the new Lithia path but the server needs some time for some TLC. For now, you can read our patch notes!

3 19

A blessing from the goddess has arrived for her messenger! Yes, even Opferung gets noticed!

See the full list of changes in the link below!

27 79

So many different Raven changes and not just skill effects! We couldn't fit all of them, especially all of Revenants!

See the full list of changes in the link below!

2 23

Big changes happened this patch for Aisha, Raven, and Ain, and today we're TL:DRing Aisha's most impactful changes!

See the full list of changes in the link below!

2 60

Only a few hours remain to get your Lithia Art Submissions in! The Prediction event starts soon, so get ready to see which ones will be chosen to be the Top 5! It could be yours!

1 21