I can’t even begin to thank for everything!

This is what is all about!

I love being a part of new communities!

Thank you everyone who joined in on the

2 8

Wow! Thank you! 💙 such great prizes! A top 10% thorn, a common, and a moobeanz ! I did love my options, but that blue just called my name. initiated, time to move in

1 4

WOW! thanks for the giveaway opportunity and the amazing prizes! The is definitely just beginning! I chose an AMAZING top 10% a common thorn, and also received this super cute

0 4

Remember all current Degenz who made the private list! You have until legit tomorrow before public mint to mint your . All Lunicorns not picked up by private sale will be released to the other Degenz 😈👹

5 11

Eintrag 7: Zalaan

Konnte mich nicht zwischen Hose und Rock entscheiden. Warum nicht beides? 😘

1 8

EIntrag 6: Nanya

Sie ist meine persönliche Punk-Prinzessin <3
Tragt eure Narben mit Stolz, Leute

1 6

Eintrag 4 😘: Lady Tatsokaidah

Was ist heißer, als ein schicker Anzug an einer Lady?

2 6

Zweiter Eintrag: Isadara 🥰

Ich LIIIIIEBE oversized hoodies!
Ich taufe diese Reihe 😂

1 5