Working on blocking out the shapes in for the remaining bodysuit of the
I will allow for gaps in the armor covered by "soft armor" (thanks for the feedback! :D) for a better range of motion and to make a proper fit easier to achieve.

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Recently moved across the country, started up a new full-time job and career, and been planning courses of action for a good future with my lovely - which is very promising!
As such, the progress is very slow, but I'm chipping away when I can!

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Time to print the mould for the lower plate covering the back-of-the-head to spine transition (orange outline, first image). Printing at 45mm/s to keep the noise down, hence the relatively long print time.
Spine pieces are currently curing, at least 24h to go.

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The upper spine connector is difficult to get to look correct. Finally nailed it!
Next up: Create moulds to cast the pictured spine parts in fiberglass/carbonfiber and resin. I want to test the complex surfaces on these prior to the main head parts.

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Working a new neck & spine. Going for (near) full mobility. Once the head->spine transition is finished I will move on to more detailed poly modelling to ensure the head pieces fits together properly prior to mould printing.

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head modelling moving forward. Shown is before (top) and after (bottom) slight profile change, going with the bottom one. Jaw underside is roughed out. Next up is the back of the head, neck and modifications on the groove from the eyes to the back of the head.

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Testing various ideas for the head in I am starting to settle in on a design I like!
The new head will cover less of the wearers face for better dimensioning the suit body. Thanks to for doing a writeup on this a while back! (13.10.2020)

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Ever so slowly getting back into the Looking forward to having the main pieces blocked out and ready for assembly. This time being both easier to print, post-process and assemble.
I have a few other side projects too, but this will be my main go-to!

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head remodelling moving forward in
Clearances, screw holes, LED cutouts and fillets will be added once the main shape of all parts are finished.
Eyes will use 35mm glass dome cabochons instead of the originally planned 40mm.

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Recent weeks has seen a lot of uni work and time that went into various job applications. As job related stuff is secured and uni work is intense but on track I can begin remodelling the head w/ a slimmer profile and make the parts more print friendly.

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Due to some recent events (I'm looking at you Cyberpunk2077 trailers), I got an idea for a suit redesign of the Now it also includes redoing the head in Fusion with focus on printability, which could allow for future commissions. Current design attached. [1/2]

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WIP of the ear spring assembly for the Spring fastening plates are removable by screws, for easy disassembly.
- Creating a lightweight scifi/robot-looking jawset
- Model the area around the eyes
- Add headband fastening points (4x)

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Successful print of the 0.6mm nozzle at 0.2mm layer height. Print time: 8h 45min. This part houses the jaw hinge, spring, and attachments for jaw, cheek, side and neck plates.
The 3D model of the head nears completion. Stay tuned for more in the next weeks.

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Been working on some ideas for a new hard surface modelling project. I decided to take the concept I was most pleased with and make a mostly finished grayscale piece.

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