Time for 🤖This six-armed beast of a robot will be the last one for now, as we have kinda ran out of usable robot concept art;P The series will return eventually when we start concepting for some late-game areas.

9 18

Remember this guy? The monkey actually has a sprite now and our animator is hard at work on him. Looking good, maybe we should post a sneak peek eventually! :P :#gamedev

8 25

It's mates, which means weekend is just around corner. Before that, here's 2 quick sketches from our pre-development planning period. They didn't make the cut to the final game, but influences from both can be found in other characters

9 18

Weekend is almost here, it's time to show some robot concept art! This time we have a "killer Roomba" and few small walkers. Like any of them?

8 22

This time we will shake things up a small bit and instead of concept art, here's the animated sprite for Armed Reconnaissance Unit. Pretty heavy gun for a scout bot, right?;)

10 25

There's high chance this guy won't ever find its way to the game, but it's still so here you go, have something heavily inspired by Mega Man :P

10 17

Time for Here's some sketches of a couple of awesome drone designs that we might eventually use in MindSeize. Which one is your favorite?

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