Roccat and I are giving away a free keyboard and ill be choosing the winner on Friday. 👏🏼😊

The winner will get a brand new Vulcan TKL Pro. It comes in 2 colors 😍

How to enter
-Tag 2 friends

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Nasce da un profumo, ricordo, sogno, emozione..
Qui frullavano nel mio immaginario, suoni, rumore, musiche,
che nelle notti d'estate si propagano più lontane:
Dal paese arroccato arrivavano nitidi i suoni della festa: voci, scale di fisarmonica, vicinissime...

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Turtle Beach et présentent les accessoires gaming de Noël - https://t.co/PqGUgYEjDf

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Happy birthday !!! Hope you have a fantastic one art-sensei! 🎂🎂🎂

Tools used: MS Paint, Logitech G502, Roccat Vulcan 120 Aimo, a crap-ton of circles as taught by Nashi.

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Roccat Kone Pure Ultra Coral

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Hold my otter IM BACK! :D hablemos ♥

👑Canal: https://t.co/R5KCBPZq3X
☕️Sponsor: ,
🦄 Periféricos increíbles los tienes en ROCCAT!: https://t.co/t8yPzIOJH5
⭐️Ya viste lo que tiene para ti?: https://t.co/JN5xF2byiR

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はやwww昨日発売されたROCCAT KOVA AIMOがもうとどいたーーー!!!

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【新商品発売】『VULCAN 120 AIMO(バルカン 120 アイモ)』本日より順次大手量販店・オンラインショップ・パソコン専門店などで発売開始となります。

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As four new teams are soon to enter the Berlin Arena, the hardest task is upon them: earning a place in our hearts that Unicorns, Giants, Roccat and H2k are leaving for them. All of the above had a big influence on the region and made a lot of memorable moments.
Farewell, old EU.

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SALUT TOUITTER, on fête le début du partenariat avec ROCCAT avec le giveaway d'un casque gaming (le KHAN PRO) ! Pour participer, il suffit de RT ce tweet et de me follow ainsi que . TAS dans une semaine ! Les prochains giveways se feront sur Twitch, pour mes subs !

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🎁 Premier concours de ce live 24h 🎁

Pour tenter de gagner la Roccat AIMO rien de plus simple 🔥

Tu ça calmement, et tu follow !

Tirage au sort demain après le live 24h


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【KONE AIMO】ROCCAT10周年のGamescomで発表された最新型KONEマウス。

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の光学センサー「Owl-Eye」搭載マウス「Kone EMP」をプレゼント!

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Roccat Announces Sick City, First In-House Developed Game https://t.co/OnhC40kAid

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. ドン勝もりもり五丁!マックスパフォーマンスRGBゲーミングマウス 1EA

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いよいよ明日発売のKONE EMP!最新OWL EYE光学センサー「PWM 3361」はPixArt製「PWM3360」の特別チューニングモデルでROCCAT専用型番となります!ROCCATの製品は安心の2年保証です!長く使って頂きたいからこそ、自信があるからこそです(^R^)/

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