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The rockhoppers on the left are heading out to sea, the ones on the right are heading back to the rookery having been out at sea. I love the conflab they have when they meet... and the confused penguin at the end!! 😂 #FalklandIslands #Falklands #RockhopperPenguins
#ペンギンライダー 其の31
You rock when you bound through life with love!
What my #coffee says to me May 1 #love #rockhopperpenguin #penguins #coffeelovers #mentalhealth #rockhopper #illustrator #storyteller #illustration #penguinlovers
#ラグビー ワールドカップまであと400日
ご当地ペンギンによるハカ(War Cry)🐧
#400DTG #RWC2019 #rugby
#haka #ABs #AllBlacks @AllBlacks
#イワトビペンギン #rockhopperpenguin #Penguins
That Sunday evening feeling ...
Daily #bird 41 #rockhopperpenguin #penguin #watercolour #ink #_CircleArt_ #art