<TEAM FIVE online exhibition>

✨전시기간 3.27~ 6.12
1층AI작가 2층예술작가 8인
전시공모가 있어 참여 하였습니다.
제작품은 2층 B관에 12작품 전시되어 있습니다.

8 15

いい展示機会ですね。 この絵をリクエストします。 ZerogravityworldのCloudy女神です。 VCloudyは生命の女神です。 渋谷の空にCloudy女神がふわふわ浮かんでくることを願っています。 https://t.co/XxWmfBL5Nj

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Hey Fam 💎
I'm so excited to say that I just minted my genesis on
Ed. of 9
Accepting offers
Link Below

Hey players, this is just a fun game, so relax and enjoy the match.

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🎊일본 상점가에서 AR전시를 합니다. Venus 9/23일부터 두둥실 떠다닙니다. 신기방기 ZeroGravityWorld~😆

Thank you🥰


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Microgravity and vacuum let you build spacecraft of totally alien structure and configuration... I wish artists used their imagination to maximum effect, like 'Bernard Chan'.


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'Microgravity' by

Debuting at Art Basel HK, this innovative algo (3 years in the making) trained AI to curate its fractals, creating infinitely repeating, stunningly detailed patterns from a single static image. Zoom in!

Floor: 39tz

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Anyone else think the track in this stage sounds like car blinkers in certain parts?

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Imperial Astrology Microgravity Modulation Station

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Finally, Microgravity by . The Stripes palette always stood out as a grail feature for me in this project and I was stoked to find one of these for a reasonable price

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I was lucky enough to mint a pretty sweet Chill palette Microgravity (#990) by . I love it because it’s got some calming 70’s vibes, but is all code and wizardry behind the scenes. Haven’t seen many of them like it in the set.

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Had to buy this Microgravity by on secondary. If you click in them you can zoom in, again and again... Here 4 images after 4 clicks... I let you guess where I clicked... Amazing !
Thanks for the game ... it allowed me to discover what's behind...

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Felt like Christmas today! Thank you so much, and for your generous gifts: Microgravity and Herbarium. The two are so different and couldn't be a better match at the same time. <3

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