Don't give it a hand, offer it a soul
Honey, make this easy💔

Alabastan Lace, my new dnd oc, kind of eldritch aasimar roguelock!

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So my roguelock Mae died last session, when the past she ran away from quite literally caught up with's her foster dad realizing he never got to tell her he wants to formally adopt her :)

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GOD SO MANY OF U MUST NOT KNOW WHO AZRAEL IS CAUSE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE PLAYED HIM hes my roguelock tiefling pc! he recently got a very cool sword, so very ghostly eyes, and some crazy ass stained glass wings and i havent drawn him in a while

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I don't do it as often as I should. I find big milestones give the best inspiration. Defeating an old foe. Finding a powerful magic item. Fulfilling a quest line. Multiclassing. My current characters are pretty fresh. So nothing big yet. Heres my roguelock.

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oh rad is trending huh, please look upon Azrael, my roguelock tief who is perpetually Going Thru It

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This would be our resident Roguelock cowboy, Jeremiah “Ash” Walsh. A charming fella and treasure hunter, Ash will go on about his daring adventures if you let him, but better keep track or he’ll change the story on ya to keep you guessing

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alan, a human wizard (played by sydney)
amiel, a human roguelock (played by sabrina)
jericho, a ???? ???? (not a player character, i just wanted to put him here)

(all of these portraits were drawn by the incredibly talented )

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And another new one that I made a few weeks ago for 's Nox

Oblivion, Reborn (Tiefling) RogueLock

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i painted the roguelock of our ESO-based DnD game, hehe... guess what his patron is?

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Oh soooooooooooooooooooo many.

did this piece of my grave domain samurai orc and my fiance's efreeti roguelock.

did this piece of my old winter eladrin barbarian and yeti sidekick.

did this AWESOME mini of Prof. Ara Macao!

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Noruithildur, a half drow bardlock of mine. The alternate universe version of my roguelock Blake.

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maybe you remember this guy?? maybe not! this is azrael, my tief roguelock and hes been Going Thru It (and had a lot of changes since u last drew him!) just trying to do good in the world and fix his past mistakes (bonus wip w the bf)

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"-Steel and Silver sing for Justice-"
Know what I love most about backs to the wall situations? PAIRED BACKS TO THE WALL!!! Rheyker knows the best way to recruit someone is to save their neck.

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The best thing of an amazing DM who knows Jojo is that he'll let you reskin your actions in most bizarre ways. Eldrithc Blast? Oh, you meant... EMERARDO SPURASHU!!!

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I made some tiny cheer up art starring 's tiefling rogue Kalath and my half-drow roguelock Nadrael (also his familiar Isilme to help hold up his side). if you need someone to believe in you today, they do 💖💕

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Here’s the patron to the roguelock with a warm cup of chocolate. I made a particularly angsty sketch of him and the player wanted him to have some chocolate, so- Uh, now it’s a finished drawing!

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