guys omg i found cronans awkward highschool pictures

0 3

cant wait for mcu bros to act like Korg and Kronans being gay is a new thing and Taika's is 'ruining' thing bc like...

6 37

tdt ending it's true i was the glove by ronans shoes in the mudroom

94 496

Doing color palette drawings of my various Ronans - starting with Tiernan

3 21

Because I too gemeter² tremor jantung beledup².. so I iseng bikin ini 💙

Feel free to use, tapi jangan lupa RT+Like supaya ronans yang lain bisa lihat (siapa tau ada yang mau save juga). Makacihh

32 85


0 18

don't mind me, just posting Ronans

2 12

before i sleep, thank you so much for all the kindness i recieved today! 💖 i thought id introduce these two since youll see em a lot! left is my dnd character, ronan! he's a werewolf fighter/barbarian. right is kiyoress, an npc who is a top rank gladiator and ronans fiancé X)

6 31

ok i changed my mind at light speed i wanted to post these widdle ronans bc i am proud of these profiles 😌👏🏻

5 32

heres some juicy angst from ronans nightmare reliving some bad memories, feat. miss karakoram ( )

7 19

heres ronans parents when they were alive and happy 🥺

3 20

ronans armor is getting a revamp 😳🐺

13 36

ronans parents...! he misses them all the time.

3 13

Aglaomorpha coronans
2019/3 台湾 宜蘭県


2 16

i started reading Dream Thieves, here are some ronans

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