✨ Secret Crush

xRoseChanx secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?

➡️ https://t.co/Fg782LJrRv

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Sankyuu Rosechan for the tag~
My favorite animal is the fox. My favorite pokemon...hmmm well the ones that come to mind are Bulbasaur, Eevee, and Vulpix.

Tagging https://t.co/Bvoi02nISH

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This is a drawing created by the wonderful "therosechanuwu" for me as part of a commission that I requested from her. I invite you to follow her on her tumbrl and see her wonderful art and buy commissions, she does a wonderful job:https://t.co/aV8YbbhO6W

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Artfight ended and I didn't get to do as much as I wanted but there is always next year!

Please check out the characters creators!

Cassiopeia: @ ShiroseChan
Harper: Siobhanatron (doesn't have a twitter but same name on artfight and youtube!)
Briston: @ The_popicorn

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