This cutest little girl showed up, calling Tsukumo "father" & I'm dyingggg from how cute she is and how much they look alike 🤣🥰 Give them proper baby stories plsssss

0 7

Rose in the Embers🌹 Tangled in Briars: Kyosuke Part 2 Out Now!
Love and money force you to make some difficult decisions, but you will only ever be his - body and soul.

8 52

Rose in the Embers🌹 Tangled in Briars: Kyosuke Part 1 Out Now!
As the insurmountable odds begin to weigh you down, you wonder what your next step will be...

5 49

Rose in the Embers🌹 Misao: All's Fair in Love Out Now!

You have the most wanton, laidback lover in the Capital, but if there's one thing he's serious about, it's his art.

5 44

God, Atsuro's route was greattttt! Full of heartache & drama, really entertaining! I wonder why no one ever talks about him... very calm, mature vibe to him & so kind. Everyone from this title is 👍

0 7

Takahisa 😭❤😭❤😭❤ His S2 is so intense!!! I really hope everyone gets season 2!!! Why is Voltage overlooking this great title?!

1 11

This smile is seriously so shockingly adorable every time I see it 😊🥰 didn't realize I never read his pov oops lol

0 13

Tsukumo in a sleeping robe is sexy af 🔥🤤😍 I'll drown in his beautiful grey eyes

0 13

FREE bachelors of the week (or so!)

A. Forbidden romance with a heartless soldier
 >#Takahisa from

B. Dramatic thrills with a sexy cop
 >#Kirisawa from

C. Legendary love with an infamous warrior
 >#Okita from

17 56

"I will give you all you ask..."
Could you fall deeper in love with this suave nobleman...?
A Tender Heart's Felicity: Kyosuke out now in

6 41