With everyone comparing S2 of to Empire Strikes Back, how about a ROTJ Tech and Phee reference to help the feels?

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Is this the 'real' tennis shoe easter egg?

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I agree, although both in Legends and canon Luke seems to get stuck in that black outfit post-ROTJ. Like for two canon examples you’ve got Battlefront 2 and Shattered Empire. Just seems to be picked because it’s his best known look. https://t.co/c0lK8OB7T9

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The eye part is something concepted by Joe Johnston for RotJ, though they ultimately didn't use it it's shown up a couple times semi-officially, and in fan art.

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Sculpt of a Nimbanel, another Star Wars alien, from the background of ANH and RoTJ

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My Scout Trooper Guide for is new and improved.

Includes an updated outfit build section for F2P/Pref players, and a bonus sneek peek Legends EU Darktrooper Outfit build!

Get the new Scout Trooper Outfit: https://t.co/yFWBduc2Cj

5 21

"Grr, I hate that sequel trilogy that invalidated the victory of RotJ and made Luke tempted by the dark side, grar." —EU fans I have definitely encountered on this app

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Halcyon Legacy

T'onga appears and calls her wife Losha, confirming they both survive well past RotJ.
Then Vi shows up to complete the comic's queer lady trifecta.

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1.Bless Tim Zahn. He was the only author that understood what many Star Wars women fans wanted after ROTJ & he wasn't afraid to write it if a bit dry. Action mixed with some romance & a sense of Luke's story being unfinished. We were denied a full reward by the OT ending.

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Stupid comic (1/2)
Based on the Extreme Cleavage look from the RotJ concept art.

49 188

Luke Skywalker redesign sketch
The biggest thing the sequel trilogy got wrong about Luke's character is how he never had a single bad outfit.
I tried to make this like his ROTJ fit + Obi Wan's fit.

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ROTJ Boba Fett

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Something that came up from in the Creatures of ROTJ panel was how the design of Max Rebo was inspired by a Moebius illustration in The Long Tomorrow. I’ve been scouring the books for it & have had no luck. I see the probe droid panel but has anyone ever found Max?

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Today, May 25th it is the date that ANH was release 45 years ago on May 25th of 1977 and ROTJ was release 39 years ago on May 25th of 1983.

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Technically Anakin should be a Force ghost blue bc this is him post-ROTJ but I wanted to color so y’all get ROTS Ani 👹👹

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All of my Luke drawings so far!! I think I’ll do Finn next 😄💚💙

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