The Miser brothers!
I made my own version of my favorite seasonal brothers! They were gonna be part of my series but idk if they're copyrighted so if I ever do I'll just call them something else, hope you like it!

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Here's Hoover the tanuki! they're an occasional antagonist that goes around inkblot messing with people by transforming into anything they can think of! hope you like them!

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GRAVEYARD SPOOKS! Dimmi and Randy wander into the graveyard to get to Bruno's Halloween party faster and meets some very interesting group of people...

10 24

The bossman shimmy's through! It's Olley! He's Burgin's brother that's the direct opposite of him, He's charismatic, a big people person, and is overall more pleasant to be around, all this praise made him cocky, however...

10 40

Made more stickers! another Butch one and 2 others! hope you like them!

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Drew and playing an apple tossing game that Dimmi proposed out of boredom, Hope you like it! ( is the one in the photo)

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Drew some stickers for something I'm planning!

what do you think?

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Drew Camo from the Game in progress Breeze in the clouds that's being made by ! Dimmi called Camo a rat and now has to deal with the big possum himself! hope you like it!

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learning with pibby needs to be a show! I would actually start watching cable tv again because of it! Made corrupted versions of my main characters dimmi and Randy!

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Prompt 5: Monster Mash
Featuring a kooky mix-and-match monster in both black and white, and color!

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Prompt 2: Creepy Carnival
A mutant clown toon similar to the toons from that Toonpocalypse thing I made a while back

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Loopy Tales Of Inkblot Year of Fernando. Fernando is fed up that it's been almost a whole year dedicated to bulls but hasn't gotten the recognition he "Deserves" hope you like it!

1 13

"Since randy became sick during the holidays, Dimmi had to go to the north pole to help santa with a bit of a Krampus problem! Is Dimmi capable of stopping the abdominal Krampus? Stay tuned!"

10 27

Boris has a special event at a gym across the far outs of inkblot city, but quickly gets stranded after the oldsmobile breaks down. (Oh and dimmi and dottles joins for support... Dimmi mainly)

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Day 6: Falling Objects
Always remember to bring a spare umbrella when visiting ToonTown just in case it’s starts raining anvils! :)

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Felt like drawing today! Here's dimmi! (Yet again lol) I'm trying to draw more of my characters! I just REALLY like drawing dimmi! Over here i'm makin' a chart of different poses of him! Might make more with different characters!

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Idk anything about modding games
But if I did, I’d make a reskin mod with these two nerds (and maybe some of my other toon ocs)

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