Hmm.. I celebrate possibilities, opportunities, aspiration. ART. So much FUD. I like NFTs I own. Some r different, some look similar. Some are great, some are rugpull-like. I own almost 500 NFTs. 80% of them aren't doing what I expect them to do. So what?

0 2

Good Night everyone🌃

I still rely more on 1/1 artworks✊ Because more effort equals more trust💙(We'll pay so much attention for rugpulls❌)

When we reach the first collecting party of The community budget will be spent on 1/1 artworks🎨

Stay tuned friends🥂

2 5

Happy 2 Year Anniversary of the rugpull! 🎂

On March 22nd 2021, the Waifusion team rugged their project after taking 3,300 ETH. These events caused the founding team of uwucrew to meet!

To celebrate, here is an early look at what's coming and a history lesson! 👀🧵

71 239

Pixia is great,but is also making some big moves towards perfection.

Text to video✅️
Text to audio✅️

Ama with

Lets these 3 big forces drive the market now..enough of rugpull and all.

Time for giant



5 7

Grabbed another Social


An amazing brand saving the space from & scams.

Grab one while you can !!
Official link 👇

14 21


At we're not just building a Project...

...We're building an NFT EcoSystem, containing revived RugPulled Projects or struggling projects, this way we help hundreds of people in one go...

Follow us as we grow
ICO ERC20 coming soon...

16 22

Never selling my (my entry into sol NFTs when sol was $200+... total rug). Donated one to rugpull museum being built. May even snag some more, forgboiz r special to me lol

0 2

Anything holds which includes &

a project helping grow the by helping RugPull Victims

gearing up to become an awesome Platform

Don't miss out 🔥

9 12

Anything holds which includes &

a project helping grow the by helping RugPull Victims

gearing up to become an awesome Platform

Don't miss out 🔥

10 14

💎SOLD💎 on 2ndary market💎

💒Another poor little Fluffy finaly found a new loving home after he got stuck in a wallet.

💒He now lives his dream in the Lands of the



30 44

💎SOLD💎 on 2ndary market💎

💒Poor little Fluffy finaly found a new loving home after he got stuck in a wallet.

💒Now he lives in peace and harmony in the

🏰Mighty Gnome Kingdom



29 46

Somos la comunidad más salvaje que hay, los únicos que disfrutamos un buen
Atrévete a conocernos, los estamos bien locos. Pero como dice somos puro amor 🚀
Nosotros tenemos
Conócenos 👉 🔥

2 3

just scooped some more of my favorite rugpulled art on .... 'Atlas Myths'

0 3

one rugpull I will never burn is Frogboiz NFT 🐸🤝

0 1

WOW Amazing Shout out guys! But there is one community which really shouted loud & they're
We love the ethic how have got each others back, exactly how should be!
welcome Smallbros to our Vault helping grow the &RugPull Victims

28 52

At this point I don't care if they're a rugpull. Gonna double my donation every time they get chased off a platform, up to $120 now.

0 3

My entry for the "Make your own n000ftown resident" open call from :
Meet n000my Chong.
Hangs out regularly with Tommy Rugpull n000st and Edgy Smitty n000th.

2 2

🏛️Swamp Francisco Rugpull Museum's collection is growing ! 🙏 !

1 3

2021: Nate Chastain charged with insider trading

2022: Frosties charged with rugpulling

2023: 👀👀👀

2 19