Hello guys! I hope you are all having a great day. Stream will be a little behind since I slept in late. At 630pm CST I'll be going back to VOW on destiny 2 to farm the boss from there :3 I'll farm Rulk till I get the exotic, then will move to something else 💛
See you there :3

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The general stormed into my lab & kissed me passionately. Said he was horny after absorbing radiation in his Rulk form. Reluctantly he needed to have Hulk fuck him. He also told me to grow a beard so he could call me Daddy, the man is weird (🎨: Zelo Lee & Thanks )

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Red Hulk battles the Mighty Omegex, and just when you think it cant get worse, Zero/One shows up. This time Rulk may have bitten of more than he can chew.

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Cap sends the Red Hulk to deal with the Scorched Earth plan activated by MODOK and the Leader, but Iron Man didnt get the memo and attacks Red Hulk. Before Rulk can explain, things go bad for Tony

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And finally... here’s some of the final Rulk/Hulk main event. Trust me, go back and do a quick re-read of the Loeb era of Hulk. It’s SO MUCH FUN, and the art from some of the best living artists is a big reason why this big, dumb, stupid, bombastic comic works (17/)

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Speaking of crazy... McGuinness and Loeb would team again on the infamous original Red Hulk run of Hulk. The series reads much, much better with the benefit of time and hindsight. It was absolutely bananas, and such a fun read these days. Rulk fought pretty much everyone (13/)

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Rex P2 and Shulk P2.... rulk and shex ????
you can throw stones in my general direction ( i swear next tweet won't be a joke/meme material )

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"im she-rulk think you can handle this red gammababe?"

please retweet

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Hulk/Rulk - Friday night clash BL X collaboration. Check us out every Friday for

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The Incredible Rulk (Red Hulk)Created by Nthinila Phumaphi... https://t.co/S4hXf7W4Tr

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