its my character and his cool armor, shield and spear. skull and feathers are from a griffin he killed.

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We upgraded our rock lizard for the new Quickstart cover!

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now version of the whole cover of the from . Original Ink painting by Andrey Fetisov.

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not finished yet! it will take quite long time to finish.. big painting with lots of details...

its my runequest character, Eldon the Dragon Man! Shape shifting and lunar hating asshole

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The Quickstart was our release in 2017. It's a great way to jump in and experience the new ed of it is still free from the Chaosium website or . It's also been nominated for BEST FREE PRODUCT ! Vote now!

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version of the blue guy from the new Cover from . Looking forward to the German release party on Saturday at !

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My journey in RuneQuest and Glorantha continues. Some military equipment and archetypes.

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The fourth instalment of New Gamemaster Month is up, looking at the first adventure we'll help you run in February. Ours is 'The Broken Tower' scenario from the RUNEQUEST QUICKSTART, available to download free.

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As we repeatedly warn, in and *mess with the ducks at your peril*

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Congratulations to the winners of our recent Cult of Chaos scenario writing contest, to be run at conventions over 2019 and 2020.

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And check out the exciting and extensive list of our new convention scenarios, for Glorantha and King Arthur to a con near you!

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"Among fans of Argrath has a well-deserved split reputation... It is up to the Gamemaster to ultimately decide if he is the epic hero desperately trying to save the world or the horrific villain who will end it all."

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sold out over the weekend, and every print run continued to do so for the next several years.

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Okay, they are not Classic titles, but & the Glorantha Sourcebook are 50% off in 's RuneQuest Classic Sale, running this week:
—20 more titles 50% off:

15 29

I am Vandel. I do maps for games, RPGs, like and mayn more. I love to do more personal works as well as finalising all that is still up for finishing. Feel free to talk about maps with me :D

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Expanding our Chaosium licensed range with Large Messenger Bags fit to contain (or consume) all of your gaming accessories...

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Our friends at TYPE40 forged a sword. A sword...

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TRPGを遊んでいるんですが、ルーンクエスト6版のクイックスタートが(2年くらい前に)日本語訳されて遊べるようになったよ…というのでRQをやらせてもらいました 手厚いサポートでルールの複雑さを負担にせずにグローランサの世界観を楽しませて貰いました… 

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