Unpainted versions.

How all my miniatures looked, was never brave enough to paint them.

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Retro Gaming Memory! ❤

Title: HeroQuest
Developer: Michael Hart
Publisher: Gremlin
Version: Commodore Amiga
Year: 1991

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Ah yes, bathtime
The perfect opportunity to relax, gather your thoughts… and then no longer relax

Best part of this is the vase and censoring, hands down

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This is the greenest picture I could find. Happy (late)

The egg hatched into a beautiful baby griffin and the dude died. But got better.

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A friend in my group made this

This is specifically the HeroQuest fire place!

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You know the game is good when it makes you draw a whole dang battle scene

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JONSTOWN COMPENDIEMなので扱いとしては同人誌ですが、Simon E. Phippさんの作品はBook of Doomもアイデア集として良書なのでお薦めです。

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Since I dug out HeroQuest the other day, Lily's been excited to give it a go. I'm gonna give it a bit of a polish before we play, but today's been all about choosing some heroes! Lily spent some of her birthday money on a couple of options from :D

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I'm enjoying all the lively debate around PS3-era Unlicensed Lord of the Rings ARPG fan mod Submission vs Uncanny Valley Metallica Fan Site Webmaster Comedown Dad vs HeroQuest Dracula.

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Hello I'm Kat, a biracial freelance narrative designer. I've worked on D&D, Betrayal at Baldur's Gate, and most recently HeroQuest. You can also find me as the Dungeon Master , an all-femme and predominantly POC actual play podcast.

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Some of those good HeroQuest heroes we talked about.

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The campaign gets funded in less than 10 hours! And it is just the beginning of the campaign!
The rotten heart to all of you! 💚💚💚

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HeroQuest Announces New Stretch Goals (EXCLUSIVE): https://t.co/CjMcJbJfuP

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