I'm very late to the party, but here are sketches I did for amazing 's UKRAINIAN BESTIARY book
I worked with amazing on the double page about Rusalki💖 I loved the experience, really looking forward to see Maloviy's next project 🌸

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Thank you! Here’s some rusalki and a demon!

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Writing little short stories for myself and waiting a few days to read them. The first is Fear the Beast for She Spares None
A story about a walk i take to a pier and am later drowned by the rusalki

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Rusalki are water nymphs of the Slavic region. They are translucent in skin and have flowing water as hair. Finding their comb will bring luck but they are also known to drown men who get to close.

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Today, on the first Thursday of Green Week, is the day when the Rusalki celebrate their Easter festival on the banks of the waters of some regions.

🎨 Bartolomeo Giuliano

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In Slavic mythology, the rusalka (plural: rusalki) is a spirit associated with nature. It was believed that rusalki took care of waters, forests and fields. They were represented either as little or as young girls with loose hair and pale skin.

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Rusalki laugh as they tie together willow or slender birch branches so they can swing by the river. They love to perform somersaults and sing and dance in the moonlight. Some people say that merely hearing Rusalki’s laughter causes death.#FolkloreThursday

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Trees and birds (or baby demon and her witch)

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5h 15 min - half of that time spend on embroidery and tattoo 😂

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In Slavic folklore rusalki are beautiful young women who dwell in bodies of water and enjoy enticing men. They are said to be spirits of women who died a violent death

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It took me way too long to learn about rusalki, the scary awesome river-dwelling nymphs of Slavic folklore. Now I'm always happy to come across them in a fantasy novel.

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Mermay day 7. Rusalka. In Slavic mythology women who have been voilently killed can come back as rusalki. They lure man into ponds and rivers to drown them. They can find peace if they are avenged.

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Once benevolent water & forest beings, Rusalki turned sour during C19, vengeful spirits of drowned maidens were taken in chez Rusalka and instead of granting fertility boons in spring, they now drown, tickle or dance their victims to death

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In Slavic folklore Rusalki are women who died violent deaths and dwell in bodies of water luring men to their deaths, in early June it is 'Rusalki week' where they are especially active, swimming is forbidden during this week as it will result in certain death

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In 1996, Russian animator Aleksandr Petrov created Mermaid using painting on glasss animation. The film is based on the Slavic folklore about the rusalki, iver-dwelling mermaids said to be "born" from the unhappy souls of young women who had committed suicide by drowning.

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