Digimon Liberators fanart- Dinomon's digivolution line

Glad there's a non-mechanical counterpart to RustTyranomon now! He looks sick

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Cuanto mas confuso sea el diseño mas op sera
Y la verdad mugendramon y rustTyranomon son digimon que adoro por eso

Gundramon me da gracia por lo meme que es ya

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a nice little warmup RustTyranomon before I get to work LOOL

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Suggested by today's Underrated of the day is RustTyranomon!

Having endured many years of harsh environments as MetalTyranomon, its whole body has rusted. Its capable of ravaging an entire enemy base by itself.

Leave your suggestions for tomorrow's Digimon.

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old(ish) digimon art- metalseadramon, toropiamon, dorumon, rusttyranomon

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I hope they make a new evolution for him that isn't Chaosdramon that uses the Parts from the EVOLVED Version of its Components
Blitzgreymon for MetalGreymon
RustTyranomon for MetalTyranomon
Hi-Andromon for Andromon
Mugendramon for Megadramon
Imagine the Combo: The Neo Chaosdramon

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More I think about it, more it makes sense to me that there should be a redesigned/Evolve Chaosdramon using parts of the Evolution of All of its Components.
MetalGreymon to BlitzGreymon
MetalTyranomon to RustTyranomon
Andromon to Hi-Andromon
Hell all of there "Pieces" are Red too

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